We are laying the foundation for MCS students to become successful middle school students in whatever school they choose to attend
Academics are crucial to the success of the students at MCS.
Areas of Study
Math – Singapore
Language Arts – varied depending on grade level
Handwriting without tears
Science – Purposeful Design
Social Studies – Abeka and Houghton Mifflin
Bible/Character – Positive action for Christ
Art – 1 hour each week
The Art program encompasses art history, art literature, art appreciation, and technique. Students learn through the study of the Master Artists. After six years at MCS, a student will have studied 30 of the master artists.
Music – 30 minutes each week
Through the music program students are introduced to classical music through singing, moving, playing instruments, and listening to the master works. Third graders learn to read music through playing the recorder in preparation for learning to play the hand chimes in fourth and fifth grades.
Library – 30 minutes each week
Our library has approximately 4,000 quality children’s literature books! Library time has an emphasis on improving reading comprehension and exposing students to new authors. STAR reading and Accelerated Reader (AR) are also part of our Library program.
P.E. – 30 minutes each day
Physical activity is important to learning. The Physical Education program focuses on movement, healthy lifestyle, sportsmanship, and teamwork.
Enrichment – 30 minutes each week
Enhancing learning through skills that will help in other academics and in life is vital to the success of the student. Kindergarten, first, and second grades explore character development, the Kindness Project, and STEM/STEAM. Third, fourth, and fifth grades learn keyboarding, computer skills, interview skills, presentation skills, and study skills.