With growth comes change, and we have the opportunity to move into a new building to accommodate additional classes and students.
Since 2007, Montgomery Christian School has given hope to hundreds of children and families in our community. With 118 students enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade this year, every space in our current building is at capacity.
We are ready to go!
We are ready to grow!
We want to add one grade per year to our school. Completing a feasibility study and case for growth, the Lord has guided us to expand by moving to a larger building. Check out our plans and see why 100% of our MCS Board, staff, and families voted to grow.
As we embark on this campaign, we desire for you to join us as together we Give Hope to children, families, and our city.
We have the opportunity
…to establish a new school facility with the purchase and renovation of a building.
With your help we can greatly increase our impact on the city of Montgomery, and all the wonderful families we serve.
MCS By The Numbers
31% enrollment growth in two years
14 new children in second kindergarten
20 students in new after-school program
22 superb faculty and staff members
12 different zip codes where students live
100 parents attend quarterly parenting classes
45% increase in our donor base in two years
MCS Student Demographics
118 - Student Enrollment for 2023-24
79 - Scholarship for Kids students
39 - MCS Scholarship students
96 - Families
20 - Sibling groups