Hope, Joy, Peace and Love: Montgomery Christian School teaches the True Meaning of Christmas

Through this beautiful season of advent, which means “coming” or “arrival”, Montgomery Christian School is teaching their students about the Hope, Joy, Peace and Love of Christ. As each student studies reading, math, writing and social studies, they are also learning the beauty of the manger and the Hope through the empty cross. The first week of study, MCS also released their new Montgomery Christian School promotional video which speaks of the importance of faith and family as a foundation to education. Using our faith and promoting the importance of family, MCS is able to encourage each family unit with the Hope that Jesus brings.

                While we studied the Hope of the Old Testament in the first week, MCS also studied the joy and the amazing gift it is through Christ Jesus. Every student is able to experience the joy in giving through doing community outreach throughout the year with Mercy House and other community outreaches here in Montgomery. As all of our students are on scholarship, each family is able to experience school choice and they know the importance of giving to others through personal experience.

                The last week we will celebrate the peace that Christ brings and the Love He gives to us on a daily basis. As Montgomery Christian School truly emphasizes the importance of relationship, our students are able to create and share the love of Christ to one another. Education must be founded in Love or it is for not. As we recite daily 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “He who calls you is faithful and He will do it.” Every student knows that with Jesus, they will be able to leave our school as independent learners, seekers of knowledge and, Lord-willing, thinking Christians.


Congrats to All A & A/B Honor Roll


Christmas Music Program